
Contacting Next Wave Hosting

Missing a password? Can’t get your email? Need some custom web development? Please contact us!

Support: support@nextwavehosting.net
Phone: (937) 228-4433
Fax: (937) 228-4111

100 Bonner Street
Dayton, Ohio

Please note that we do NOT provide technical support for general computer issues, only your website and email you host with us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

My site is down or I can’t get my email.

How do I set up my email on my iPhone?

How do I change my email password?

How to I setup my email on Thunderbird?


WordPress Dashboard

The WordPress Dashboard is where you manage your site’s content and theme.


WordPress themes and WordPress plugins are managed through the Dashboard, but you cannot install either from the Dashboard itself. To do this, you need an FTP client. Details on this process will be available soon.

More information about each section of the WordPress Dashboard is available here.


You can view your site’s visitor statistics, manage or add email accounts, configure spam filtering, and more from your cPanel.


cPanel is intended for advanced users only. If you are unsure about something on the cPanel, please contact us!

Webmail and POP3 EMail

We offer two web mail applications. Both apps “see” the same inbox, and both have a similar interface to that of Yahoo Mail or GMail.


Your user name will be your full email address, and then your password (usually the same as your cPanel password)

Additionally, you can use a third party email client, like Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, or Mozilla Thunderbird, for POP3 access.

In general, the incoming and outgoing mail servers are both going to be your domain (yoursite.com) (no ‘www’ or ‘http://’), your user name is your full email address, and then your password.

We DO NOT SUPPORT Microsoft Outlook Express. You must switch email clients if you want email support. We recommend Thunderbird.

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